7月5日,国内轻稀土市场行情呈现下跌趋势,其中金属镨钕的价格为44.5万元/吨,镨钕氧化物的售价为36.25万元/吨,氧化钕的价格为36.75万元/吨。值得注意的是,金属钕的价格下降了5000元/吨,目前的价格为46.5万元/吨;而金属镨的价格保持在49.25万元/吨,氧化镨的价格则为37.25万元/吨。尽管国内轻稀土价格整体下滑,但市场内的销售活动正常进行,下游客户的采购情况平稳。根据当前的市场动态,预计未来轻稀土的价格将继续以下降为主。On July 5, the price trend of the domestic light rare earth market declined. The price of praseodymium-neodymium metal was 445,000 yuan/ton, the price of praseodymium-neodymium oxide was 362,500 yuan/ton, and the price of neodymium oxide was 367,500 yuan/ton. The price of neodymium metal fell by 5,000 yuan/ton to 465,000 yuan/ton, the price of praseodymium metal was 49.25 yuan/ton, and the price of praseodymium oxide was 372,500 yuan/ton. The price trend of domestic light rare earths declined, the on-site sales were normal, and the downstream procurement situation was general. It is expected that prices will mainly decline in the later period.