8月29日国内轻稀土市场价格走势暂稳,金属镨钕价格为50万元/吨,镨钕氧化物价格为40.5万元/吨,氧化钕价格为41.25万元/吨,金属钕价格为51万元/吨,金属镨价格为52元/吨,氧化镨价格为41万元/吨,国内轻稀土价格走势暂稳,场内走销正常,下游采购情况一般,预计后期价格走高为主。磁铁价格,磁铁工厂,深圳磁铁On August 29, the domestic light rare earth market prices remained stable. The price of praseodymium-neodymium metal was 500,000 yuan per ton, praseodymium-neodymium oxide was 405,000 yuan per ton, neodymium oxide was 412,500 yuan per ton, neodymium metal was 510,000 yuan per ton, praseodymium metal was 52 yuan per ton, and praseodymium oxide was 410,000 yuan per ton. Domestic light rare earth market prices remained stable, with normal sales in the market and general downstream procurement. It is expected that prices will mainly rise in the future.