永磁材料性能稳不稳定,这可是永磁材料的一个重要指标呢。啥叫稳定性呢?就是磁体充磁之后,在内外因素影响下磁性能发生改变的这么个过程,一般用性能指标的变化率来表示。像温度、时间、电磁场、辐射、机械振动与冲击这些,都是常见的让磁性能发生变化的原因。下面咱们就来了解一下永磁材料的时间稳定性吧。 磁体要是长时间工作或者放着,周围的环境,像温度啊、湿度啊、腐蚀性液体啥的,可能会让磁体的物理和化学性质改变。永磁体充磁之后,大部分区域都被磁化到特定方向了,但是还有些小磁畴的磁化方向是乱的,这就叫反磁化核。在各种环境因素的作用下,原来的反磁化核会变大,还会产生新的反磁化核,这么一来永磁体的磁性能就衰减了。这种改变呢,一般是从表面慢慢往里面变的,而且是不能恢复的,会直接影响磁体的主要性能参数,像剩磁、内禀矫顽力、矫顽力或者**磁能积,严重的话磁体就完全不能用了。这种磁性能的损失是恢复不了的,就算再给磁体充磁,也没法恢复到长时间放置之前的水平了。这几年,钕铁硼永磁材料在航天航空、电动汽车、大功率风力发电这些对使用寿命要求比较长的领域用得越来越多了,搞应用设计的人对钕铁硼永磁体的时间稳定性也越来越重视了。
胡伯平,饶晓雷,王亦忠. 稀土永磁材料(上册)[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2017.289-290
The stability of permanent magnet materials is an important indicator. What is stability? It refers to the process by which magnetic properties change under the influence of internal and external factors after magnetization, usually expressed as the rate of change in performance indicators. Common causes of changes in magnetic properties include temperature, time, electromagnetic fields, radiation, mechanical vibrations, and shocks. Let's now understand the temporal stability of permanent magnets. If a magnet works for a long time or is left unused, the surrounding environment, such as temperature, humidity, corrosive liquids, etc., may cause changes in the physical and chemical properties of the magnet. After magnetization, most regions of a permanent magnet are magnetized in a specific direction, but there are still some small magnetic domains with random magnetization directions called demagnetization cores. Under the action of various environmental factors, the original demagnetization cores will grow larger and new ones will be produced, resulting in a decline in the magnetic performance of the permanent magnet. This change generally occurs gradually from the surface inward and is irreversible, directly affecting key performance parameters such as residual magnetism, intrinsic coercivity, coercivity, or maximum magnetic energy product. In severe cases, the magnet becomes completely unusable. This loss of magnetic performance cannot be recovered, even if the magnet is re-magnetized; it cannot return to its pre-long-term storage level. In recent years, NdFeB permanent magnets have been increasingly used in industries with longer service life requirements, such as aerospace, electric vehicles, and large-scale wind power generation. Application designers are paying more attention to the temporal stability of NdFeB permanent magnets.